There are many ways to read your favorite blogs. I wish there was one place I could find
all the blogs I enjoy reading. Instead I find myself constantly checking Bloglovin, GFC,
Google+, and email. This is all very time consuming.Add in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, ect…. and it all becomes overwhelming!
Another blogger recently wrote “You must tweet and post on FB at least once per
day to have a successful blog”. What?
all the blogs I enjoy reading. Instead I find myself constantly checking Bloglovin, GFC,
Google+, and email. This is all very time consuming.Add in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, ect…. and it all becomes overwhelming!
Another blogger recently wrote “You must tweet and post on FB at least once per
day to have a successful blog”. What?
My favorite site is Bloglovin where I can read many post at one time. Some blogs only have
the option of subscribing by email. Honestly, this is my least favorite way to follow.
I receive hundreds of emails weekly and the last thing I want is more. There are only
a handful of blogs I follow by email, though I do regularly visit others without subscribing.
I try to give my readers options for following No Minimalist Here and I would love to hear
about your preferences. Thanks to each and everyone of you that take the time to visit.What’s your favorite way to follow blogs?
Do you feel being active with Facebook and other social media sites is necessary
to have a successful blog?
How much time do you spend weekly reading blogs?
On another note….
about your preferences. Thanks to each and everyone of you that take the time to visit.What’s your favorite way to follow blogs?
Do you feel being active with Facebook and other social media sites is necessary
to have a successful blog?
How much time do you spend weekly reading blogs?
On another note….
Don’t forget to enter the Giveaway for the $150 Farragoz on-line “Adding Patina” course.
See the clock I made with the course HERE.
We close on our new home tomorrow and I’ll be back with pictures soon.
I think it depends on what a person calls "successful blogging". I recently reached 700 followers and I get several comments each day. The number is not as important as the connection is for me. I know and love my readers/commenters.
I NEVER to Twitter or Instagram and I only post on FB once in a blue moon. The way I follow just about all my blog is to copy their URL and put them on my sidebar. I know most people would not want to do this but I think it serves two purposes. I see a new post immediately when they post AND it might get them a new reader or two.
I seriously DISLIKE all the different ways you have to work to follow some blogs so that is my solution. Old-fashioned yes-but it works for me. The only time is screws up is when someone goes from say-Blogger to WordPress-then I have to find them all over again unless they have given fair warning.
I don't think there is ANY perfect answer….xo Diana
My favorite way to read my blogs is on Blogger. I check it everyday. I do wish that I was able to read all of my blogs on it. I get a few blog notices on Facebook, but rarely read those. I really don't like to have them delivered on my email, but with some that is the only option.
for blogging, i only use facebook for when i write a new post. i don't spend much time on there under my blog name.
i use bloglovin, but i loved reader, too. you are super right, not another email!
I agree with you on how to follow blogs. I still blog with blogspot and so I use google reader and the blogs on my blogroll the most. Having to check all of these other places is really hard and so time consuming. I am also one that does not like to receive blog post in my email. It just confuses me to no end with all the other emails that I get. So I agree, I think blogger is my favorite and by far the easiest.
I prefer Bloglovin… easy, even on the smartphone
I like to find all my favourite blogs in the same place 😉
and no more missed posts like on FB
I only subscribe to a couple through email. I prefer to check them from my blog roll. I can see that they have a new post up that way. I also check them through comments received in my email. You're right. There are too many ways out there to find them all!
I read all my blogs through Bloglovin. I'm sure I spend at least an hour a day reading the many blogs I subscribe to. I like having one place to log in to and having all the new posts neatly lined up and ready for me to read!
I am sooo glad you mentioned this.
I loved the Google Reader but it went out so I chose Bloglovin which is similar. Somedays I get through the entire list and other days I don't finish. It takes several hours to comment on each one. I follow several blogs by email but it is all I can do to read them and keep the old posts deleted.Then there is the time to visit blogs that are linking to parties. It is very hard to visit and comment on all those that link up.
If you do all that it is said you must do to have a successful blog I don't know when you would have time to make pictures and do a blog post.
I will be interested in reading all the comments written here. I wish there was an easier way and so much was not expected.
Good luck on your closing. Personally I follow blogs…yours included, in my blogger reader. I would love to subscribe by email but I have way to much in the inbox already.
I try to follow everything through my Blogger home page. I just enter the url of every blog I want to follow, and they all come up. This works pretty well! Like you, I don't really like to get more emails.
Can't wait to see your new house!
No twitter, instagram or facebook for me either.
I use the blogger follower button if at all possible and subscribe by email if needed in order to know when folks post.
My blog is successful:) when I do post, the nicest folks come by and comment , usually saying the sweetest and most helpful thing.
use….you can add all your favorite blogs and they are all in one place and you can see the blogs you follow that have new posts each day without having to check each blog individually.
I use and it updates regularly. I can see the titles, a short blurb and a photo for each new post from blogs that I subscribe to, on my feedly page. It works really well for me. I don't have time to read them all, so I usually read what looks appealing from the title and photo. You can read either right there on the feedly page, or the truncated blogs you can click on and it takes you directly to the new post.
I read all my blogs on Bloglovin, and have been doing so since the google rss reader went dark. I don't have a FB nor Twitter account, and don't follow either. I have a Pinterest account that I hardly ever look at. I spend between 1-2 hours per day reading blogs. I hope this info helps you. I really enjoy reading YOUR blog! Thanks.
I use Blogspot. I used to have Google Friends on my blog and then somehow it disappeared. I offer Blogspot for others to follow me.
Mine is also blogger….it's so much easier. I may be dumb but I can't figure out G+. I do like Nana Diana's idea but I think I follow too many blogs. Great question..:)
I used to read blogs through google reader, but when that stopped I started following blogs through Bloglovin.
I do post my posts on Facebook once a day.
Good luck at your closing!
I like to keep up with my blogroll and then I do subscribe to several blogs, but I don't get all of them. Feedburner is having issues. If you want to really grow your blog then yes you need to use the social media, too. I post my new post each morning on fb with words only and a link and then in the afternoon with a photo. I then post a few other things on fb on and off. I post my post each day on instagram and other pics that don't go on my blog of just everyday stuff. Posting things from your blog to pinterest will also drive traffic to the blog in fact pinterest is one of my top referrers. I don't have google + yet.
I have two special blogs on my firefox bookmark toolbar – cote de texas and katie-d-i-d, both blogspot. From their blog lists I visit other favorites. There's a little overlap but not much, and I prefer this method to a full email box.
I just save my favorite blogs in my "favorites" on my computer and visit them daily or weekly at my own pace.
I do not have any social media and dislike all the blogs that only do things for their "social media" fans.
Thank You for asking the question and giving people the venue to answer.
I like to follow blogs through my blog roll. I too use facebook and post once per day. I am not yet a twitter fan and I know little of instagram. xo
I primarily follow with Bloglovin. But quite honestly, it's getting harder and harder to keep up. The blog world has exploded in the last year or so. I now try to focus more on the blogs where I have made a personal connection with the blogger. And I really find all the different social media options to be quite overwhelming.
Bloggger is my main way to keep up on blogs. I do follow some on Bloglovin too but I feel that I don't go there as often as I should. I'm with you, following a blog by email is not my favorite either.
I always post a link on my blog Facebook page to any new blogpost, sometimes I will also put a reference to it on Instagram.
Sometimes, it's very hard to keep up!
I made several themed bloglists on my blog so I can see at a glance when someone writes a new post. I rearrange them and add to match my interesst. I also look at the bloglists of others to see what interests them and find new blogs to read.
Good question.
Yea on the house can't wait for the pictures. Interesting post, I don't follow blogs if the only way is email. I only post on Fb once a week, maybe twice,,,Yikkes. I probably spend an hour a day on blogs and FB, unless it is the day i put up a post then I return a comment to every person that commented! I can watch Tv while I do it and I am a really fast typist! OK, now I am going to see what everyone else said as I never like to read the other comments in case it would influence my comment!
I use bloglovin' as my reader and I hate following by email as well but I give people the option because I know my friends and family don't have blogs. Also, I don't promote my blog through FB. I feel it's unnecessary, for me anyways and you don't even reach many readers with all of FB settings anyways.
great question Sherry. If you did everything the experts tell you to do, you would have to hire a social media person to keep up your website and all social media like the big companies do. It's a full time job! I just get a few "special" blog emails when they post. xo
Staying active on social media is very time consuming. I give it a try but it gets to be overwhelming. I subscribe to lots of blogs by email and honestly don't get through all of them. Bloglovin is one of the best ways to follow.
More choices doesn't necessarily mean that it's better. The most efficient way to follow blogs on any platform, for me, is to add them to my blog roll on the side of my blog page. That feed updates when new posts are posted. I also make good use of GFC, and I follow a LOT of blogs that way … scrolling down the list at the bottom of my dashboard page every morning. Email subscription notices usually end up in my spam folder, so I don't bother subscribing that way.
I gave up on the idea of chasing blog popularity long ago. FB is for my friends and family … my Hartwood Roses FB page is for roses only. On my blog, I write about what I like, I don't do link parties hardly ever. I post when I want and when I have something to share, not when a sponsorship contract says that I have to post. Pinterest is for things I like and want to save, not a way to generate blog traffic.
I read via Bloglovin. On blogs that I want to subscribe too that don't offer it, I just add it myself to my Bloglovin feed. I like everything in one spot, nice and convenient. As far as your other questions… I do what I can with social media, although I love using FB and Pinterest and see the benefit to those. Maybe if I used Twitter and Instagram more often I'd see a benefit to that too? But really that doesn't matter because I probably don't define my blog success the same way as the ones telling us what we have to do to be successful! Lastly, how much time do I spend reading blogs…. as much as I can squeeze in, I enjoy that.
I moved over to Feedly after google reader, but I use Ziner on my ipad to read my blogs daily. If I check it daily it only takes a few minutes to swipe through the latest posts. I can also use ziner to save favorite posts (recipes or furniture pieces) to Evernote
I don't really follow any blogs by email, facebook or twitter. I have two food blogs that are on YouTube (Laura's kitchen and Food wishes)
I only follow using email! It works for me…sometimes the timing is off, but it's easy…I'm not one for social media! 😉
I have started using my dash board on blogger for two reasons. All in one place and new post will hit there before I get the email.
Happy Home Closing Day!!!!!!!!!! I can imagine your thrill and joy at getting the keys and putting your plans for floors, paint, and other updates needed before you move in. Bliss!!!! Do y'all have a target date for moving in?
I have only a few blogs I visit daily and have them bookmarked but I subscribe to none of them as I don't want more emails either. I also don't belong to any of the social media sites as I don't want to spend my time that way or be any more public about myself. IMHO, privacy is important even if you're a goodie-two-shoes. I know, I know, I'm the odd one out but that's okay.
1st–best of luck with your closing, and CONGRATS!
So, I guess I'm the odd duck here.
I prefer to subscribe to my favs!
With Gmail–ALL emails sort into pre-set catagories, with one just for all my favorite blogs! So they don't overwhelm my regular emails…YaY!
–I can go to that catagory when I want or have time,
–THEY LET ME KNOW when there's something NEW,
–I see the title–know if I'm interested and OPEN OR DELETE!
I'm just don't have time to hunt down a blog in a thousand locations to discover IF there is something new or of interest.
AND THEN give up more time to see what else I've missed from DAYS/WEEKS AGO!
I'm not very thrilled with getting notices 2,3,and 4 times a day for THE SAME POST from one blog though, so I'm not into the MULTI-SOCIAL-thing! I hope there's a way soon to fix all the overlap!
Hi Sherry – My favorite way to subscribe to and read blogs is through Bloglovin'. It all comes to me daily in one email instead of filling up my box. I do try to read all the blogs I subscribe to but it takes so much time! Especially with emails because they don't generally show the topic or a picture like Bloglovin'. Facebook? I've heard that that is changing and they are going to start charging blogs for advertising. That hasn't happened to me yet but I don't get a lot of responses on FB. I see "views" but very few comments so I don't know if they are even going into the link. It has become very confusing with all of the different ways to follow and all of the different places you have to go to check comments. I do it but I don't like it at all! Maybe we can just encourage everyone to go to Bloglovin'!
I use Feedly as a reader for all my favorite blogs. It's easy to categorize them and add at will. I used Google Reader before and thought I was up the proverbial creek when it was discontinued. Feedly has surpassed Google Reader and has proven to be an easy tool.
Try'll love it!
I only follow with e-mails. That way I'm sure to not miss any postings. I only wish everyone had this feature, on their blog, as I do not follow with google reader, or any of the other social networks.
I'm now using bloglovin. I wish I could still use my blogroll, but it is no longer available to me. I've tried everything! I still blog with blogspot and do use google reader. Sad about not being able to use my blogroll. Loved seeing it on my side bar. I never use FB, Twitter or Instagram, it's just too time consuming and frankly, a big overwhelming.
I am glad you posted about this, I'm so interested in every one's opinion.
How are you bloggers out there still able to have a blogroll? Mine was just wiped out, to my dismay!
I still use my blogroll….I love it. I agree, I don't want more emails. And seriously, I am over trying to get more people to read and comment on my blog. I do my blog for me and my family….and not to make money. I do spend quite a bit of time reading blogs….but I have the time. I have quit doing linky parties, because I didn't see it made any difference on who came to my blog. Let's be honest…if there are 200 links, are we really going to them? No, I don't think so. If they ever do away with Blogroll….I will be done.
I prefer email. I mark and move all blog entries to a special category and read at my convenience. I absolutely detest Bloglovin (sorry!). I get so many emails from them containing tons of stuff I do not want, so individual blog entries work far better. I do not like FB although I'm on it for family, and I don't do Twitter or Instagram. Thanks for asking about this!
I find it hard to keep up with all the blogs I follow too, but have a lot on 'Bloglovin' and 'Blogger'. I feel Facebook is another way of extending ones blog but find that often people either stay on my Facebook page or my blog page, they don't migrate over to the blog from Facebook very often. I probably shouldn't put images on my Facebook page as they would be more likely to come over to the blog to read more maybe.
Lee 🙂
No Facebook or Twitter for me, but Pinterest is great for blogs. I keep a long bloglist, write down URL's in a notebook marked blogs, and often blogsurf on other blog's bloglists. I write down the blog's link and a description of a great project. Inspiration is every where.
What a terrific question….You have perfect timing. I have been editing a lot of things lately (especially since I had a domain crash too)
The one way to view blogs I follow and be introduced to new ones is thru Google+. I like it because it is quicker to load, they are Communities you can join, specific to a post your sharing and it doesn't have all the setting tweaks to add a picture, or make you tweak your blog so a photo shows up in a blog roll….I deleted BlogLovin because for me if I didn't open up every blog, it came back again in another email. And with a lot of blogs wanting to tease and just show a new chair and then in a later post a new picture it can get very frustrating when you'd rather be teased with a sneek peak, then see the whole room. I also use Facebook, but I am totlly in love with Google+ so far!
I offer people just about every way to follow me – FB, Twitter, Google+, email, Bloglovin etc. And then they can follow me on Instagram and Pinterest although on those two they aren't necessarily following my blog posts per se.
I figure if someone prefers to follow blogs a certain way then I will offer it to them. I don't do a lot more on FB and Twitter than just put my latest posts up though, so it isn't a huge time drain.
I think the way a person follows is based on whether they are a blogger or not. A huge percentage of my readers are not bloggers. And I think those are the people who wants emails and want to see our stuff on Facebook in between the cat videos 🙂
Now as far as to how I follow blogs – I mainly use my blog roll. I do have a few blogs I follow by email just so I never miss a thing.
I have subscribed to many (perhaps too many?) lovely blogs through email, although the ones delivered by Feedburner are not being delivered (including yours). I do read some through Bloglovin, and I also get Facebook updates on several. I must say that I dislike receiving Facebook notices for blog posts. One per day is acceptable, but some bloggers post multiple times a day, and I find that annoying. I prefer that to be reserved for friends' notices.
Since I blog for FUN not PROFIT I do it this way (even though I do have a little esty shop to declutter my house)so I can move someday
I only follow blogs one way , I put there name, url on my side bar and when they do a new post I see it. Then I check them out.
I don't follow any blogs on facebook or pinterest or twitter or instragram, OMGosh whatever else there is
Since I blog for FUN not PROFIT I do it this way
I started off reading on blogger, and I still do read blogs through blogger too so that way it appears on my blog roll on my blog. But I prefer to read them via bloglovin! Bloglovin has a nice clean look to it. I also started using twitter for my blog and I use pinterest.
I really love Bloglovin. Lately, I am drawn to Instagram also. I lot of traffic I get is from Pinterest though. Great topic!
I have you on my blogroll…so I can keep an eye on you! I like emails and blog lovin.
My favorite way is still the old blog roll, because I can scan through the list and see a snapshot and title of each new blog post without having to scroll through all the new posts like on bloglovin.
However, there are drawbacks there too, because blogs signed up with feedburner don't always update, and some blogs aren't recognized as such by google.
Second on my list is bloglovin and then google plus.
I just bookmark them if something is interesting. If I go back and they remain interesting I generally visit more often. I also visit commenter's blogs and get to know more people that way.
What great thought and questions, SHerry! I use facebook, twitter and pinterst. But mostly I send out an newsletter from Mail Chimp to my readers who sign up. I write it myself and it does bring a lot of people to my blog.There is a fee but I think it is worth it.
I love to visit blogs… about 10~20. But I have so many I love that I only get around to everyone once a month or so!
Great food for thought!
I'm not so certain that FB is really helpful in growing our blog readership. What I think it does it help us create more of a community with our readers. And to do that we need to post often. I do find social media overwhelming and a big time suck. I think you pick what works for you and enjoy and do that and forget about what everyone says. You are your blog's expert. 😉
Sherry….in the end…how much time do we have? I think we just do what we can that we enjoy in that time frame.
As far as ways to subscribe or follow. I have two lists…one for email…those I want to read often and then BlogLovin' (I also had Feedly but my feed in Feedly disappeared…so glad I set up both when Google Reader disappeared just to see which I was comfortable with) for those I'll read in chunks when I get the time. I don't worry about looking for links on a blog for Blog Lovin'…I just copy the URL…and then at BL just click on the blue heart and then enter the URL in the search space…click it…sometimes it gives me multiple choices for the URL…click the one I want and I've got it. It's easy and I don't worry about looking for the buttons on the blogs. Maybe that will help you? I think you can get everything in one spot there if you wish from the different places you read/follow blogs.
Best wishes for An Extraordinary Day!!
I agree with Diana…I do the blogroll and I too have enough emails without adding blogs but I'm sure other bloggers love this and blogloven. On blogloven you can't leave a comment right?
I subscribe via email Sherry…and for some reason I have not been getting your posts in my email…I do not spend that much time on social media as I do not have the time to devote to it…i love reading blogs every day….