I have a fabulous giveaway for you!
Farragoz has generously offered one of my readers a 12 month online furniture painting course where you will learn the art of patina. The course runs over a period of 12 months and consists of 5 modules with easy step-by-step instructions. No artistic ability required!
(I was given the course to review but all comments are my own)
Here are just a few things you will make during this course…
I am in the process of taking the course and it has been fun learning to make my own gesso, paints and stains. It is amazing how simple and inexpensive they are. The course also teaches you how to layer paints to get the patina of antique pieces.
Oh my goodness Sherry, this is one awesome giveaway!!! I love patina because it adds so much charm to a piece. I watched the youtube video, but it didn't show that I got a entry for it…just thought I would let you know.
Hi Sherry and Linda@Coastal Charm! It seems there was a glitch with the video on Punchtab and hopefully it is now sorted out. Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention. Linda, thanks for all your entries and feel free to watch the video again for another entry. Good luck!
Thanks for the opportunity, Sherry. What a wonderful thing ot win! It does not show that I entered so not sure what is up with that- xo Diana
Hi, Sherry! Thanks so much for a chance to win. I love patina because of the warmth and charm it adds to a piece.
Patina makes the piece and gives it character.
This sounds like a wonderful course. I love the softness and charm of patina.
I love patina because it adds a little more soul to a piece.
What a beautiful giveaway…off to watch the video!
OH my!!! It was so funny because I just saw an awesome (put fabulously pricey) antique at a store and I wondered if Farragoz could help me do something like it and then I saw your giveaway!!! Sherry–I remember your first discussion on this course and it has stuck with me. I want to develop that "eye" that they speak of.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway—my fingers are crossed, my toes are crossed, my eyes are crossed!!!! PJKINATL@HOTMAIL.COM
I love patina because it looks rich and elegant and time-worn. I think patina is much more beautiful than things that are shiny and new…
Hi Sherry — I have tried to enter your giveaway and cannot get anything to work. Hoping for more insight on the process. I love patina looks, old world plaster looks and have been playing around w/ the process for about a year now … I'd LOVE the chance to take the course and learn it the right way!! thanks!!
Sue sue.boone@me.com
Wow what a great course I would love to attend! To me patina techniques , really make a piece and I'm always looking for ways to improve my craft! Thanks for the great opportunity!
Sherry, I have heard of this, but never quite understood what it was….Throw my name in the hat it looks like a great course!
I love the comfortable, well lived and well loved feeling that patina gives a piece. It adds character and history in a world where everything seems to be disposable these days.
Wonderful giveaway Sherry! Thanx for the chance. I love anything with a Patina.
it's a wonderful give a way however I can't see myself getting any project done like yours
guess I can try
I love patina because that's what tells a story about a piece and gives it instant history!
~Cindy @Edith & Evelyn Vintage
A new reader to your site Sherry and this a very generous giveaway! Thank you. ♥ Found you through Farragoz on facebook. I just love the warm look and feel that patina gives to a project! 🙂