New Years Resolution For Patience

Happy New Year
I don’t normally make New Year resolutions.  I found out long time ago that I was not very good at keeping them.  Lets just say “willpower” is not something I excel in.  Note the name of this blog.
So, instead of making a resolution I am making a promise to myself.  I will find joy in the small things, cherish every moment with my family,  show patience and understanding in difficult situations and let my loved ones know how very much they mean to me.
I found this sweet letter on Pinterest and wanted to share it with you. 

Source unknown

Letter from a Father to a Daughter:

“My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”… Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way… remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day… the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad… just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you… my darling daughter. ”

Source Unknown
When things get difficult I go back to read this letter and realize any sacrifices I make are
nothing compared to those my dad made for me.Dad,  I wonder when I was a teenager if you made the same promise to
to be patient with meLord knows, I tested your patience every chance I got!

My life is filled with many blessings.  Thank you for your friendship, encouragement
and support throughout 2012.

Sending you wishes for a New Year filled with joy, peace and happiness.Are you making a resolution for 2013?



41 thoughts on “New Years Resolution For Patience”

  1. Sherry, this is a wonderful statement. So true! Patience is important old or young. 😉
    Thanks for sharing and have a Happy New Year! ~ Sarah

  2. I love your sweet story. We just returned from our annual family Christmas vacation. Usually we go skiing, but this year we went to Kauai for a week. Both my husband and I just turned 64. My daughter (30) was watching her dad out in the surf and she commented that this is the first time she has seen us when her thoughts were "they are looking old". We talked about our aging and how hard it is for her to see. We always joke about her taking care of us when we are really old. I am not sure she is ready for me to share your story right now, but I will save it for the right time.

    Thanks so much for sharing this.

  3. Happy New Year Sherry It made me cry but:
    I'm so glad you posted that letter. Think I'm going to edit it a little and send it to two of my kids that live fairly close by but don't think we matter anymore to see us anytime, let alone the holidays. I know our daughter gets impatient with me when I repeat things I've already told her, can hear it in her voice, she only calls us when she has little time and has to rush off. I'm only 72 1/2 but am getting older and forget things and I can't hear well at all on the phone.
    I wonder if I was impatient with my Mother sometimes and am very ashamed to think I was. Things come home to roost so to speak when we get older and need to remember how we treated a parent and how we'd like to be treated now.
    Hubs and I feel like both of us could croak and nobody would know until we stunk up the neighborhood, lol. We've even thought of moving away and not telling them we were going.
    Our son that lives close can't see us due to dil problems and we don't get to communicate with his two kids. Family stuff can really be hard. DIL told me my son doesn't want me in his life due to problems I had/have when kids were young.
    You might be thinking you opened up a can of worms posting that letter. Holidays can be really hard.
    But we soldier on. On Christmas day I kept busy so I wouldn't ruin the day with my depression for my hubs. He deserves more. We had a nice quiet day and did get to talk to two of the kids (out of 4). Two oldest live in San Diego area.
    Ok forgive me for going on, guess our can of worms wouldn't stay shut. Happy New year. Hope your Dad is doing well.

  4. Hi Sherry!!

    Thank you my friend for this beautiful letter. I lost my dad on April 16th/12. Going into the new year is very emotional for me as it is the first time that he won't be there.

    I still have my mom and talk to her everyday. Turning diabetic at 9, my mom was there for me in so many ways and still is. She is a great mom.

    Thank you.

  5. Oh,, how did you know !

    as I sit here on an early Sunday morning.. my 87 yr old Mom is living with us due to illness.
    she has been 'hard of hearing' most of my life & it is more of a struggle now for her to hear & understand.

    she can't stand completely upright & she hates that ,she needs help using the bathroom & HATES that .

    As she sat the other day ready to get dressed, she said Lisa, " I wish I could do something to help around here ."

    I laughed ( teared up ) & replied.. mom , you have helped all your life !

    a good friend from another nsltr told me he learned ,the care for our parents is a privilege that few are blessed enough to enjoy 🙂 I told him as I sit & help with pant legs & stubborn socks , I wonder just how many times mom has done the same .. for her 6 kids & 17 grandkids, not to mention ALL the kids in her SS classes & perfect strangers 🙂

    I haven't finished reading your newsltr yet, I'll have to go & get my hankie ..

    just wanted to thank you for the reminder of the blessings we enjoy & don't always see it..

    God Bless, Lisa

  6. Sherry, this is so touching! I know where you are because I'm caring for our parents too. Thank you for sharing this! I'm printing it and keeping it near. Your post is very uplifting and so poignant! Blessing to you and your family in the New Year!

  7. srpprcrftr, It broke my heart to read your post. I see you do not have a blog and you have comments set for no reply. I hope you read this and email me (on sidebar). I pray that 2013 is the year you make amends with your children. Best of luck and take care. I am sending big hugs your way.

  8. Hi Sherry,

    Your words are wise and meaningful. The letter, though anonymous, is something familiar to all. Simple, gentle words of patience and understanding. Special human traits that can be graciously shown by all.

    Hope you have a Happy, Healthy New Year! Thanks for a beautifully written blog and your always warm and heartfelt presence.

    Poppy xo

  9. Sherry, I had never seen this letter before. Wow. It's so powerful and brings up so many feelings. I remember my dear grandfather forgetting things and I wonder, did I make him feel self conscious? And right now. How am I with my own parents? Do I give them my full attention even when they're repeating themselves? And yes, I also realize that this will be me someday. Thinking these same thoughts with my own sons. It's the cycle of life. And it's so humbling. Thanks Sherry. I always appreciate the warmth and kindness I find here.
    Happy New Years my friend,
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  10. What a touching letter! It makes a lot of sense in it's meloncholy way. Hope you have a great new year too. I hope things continue to go well for you and your Dad.

  11. Sherry…wishing you many moments left to cherish with your dad and that your love for him and his for you will help you to endure any challenges in times of trial. The poem was just so touching…thank you for sharing. It is one that I will save and hold onto for when my own health and memory begin to fade!

  12. What a beautiful post Sherry….Yes, we must think about the times that our parents certainly had much patience with us through the years and then it comes full circle…I just listen and enjoy the story or a statement that my mom would repeat (without knowing) and act as though it was the first time she said it to me…I remember the first time I reminded her that she already told me "that" and she felt very bad…so, I do not do it anymore…I just listen and enjoy it again….Resolution?…none for me this year…I think it is just best that I strive to "celebrate life"…and find joy in the little things…
    Happy New Year Sherry!…

  13. This is so beautiful, Sherry, and such a treasure to hold onto, especially for those of us who are getting older and for the children we have raised.

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