A Cog, A Pulley What is it?

Some of you may remember a house tour post I did recently of the gorgeous home of Les and Bill Stinson.  I absolutely fell in love with their home and some of the unique items they used as decorative accessories.  If you missed seeing this home you can click here.

I love the use of mill antiques such as this wood cog Les has in her design studio


and these metal wheels she has hanging in the butlers pantry.
While at Lucketts Antique Market I spotted a  large wooden vintage cog.  Now, I must have the most wonderful husband in the world!  He knows how much I like to use quirky things in my decorating and he actually “gets it”.  Right away he said for me to buy it but I was the one that hesitated. We had already spent a good bit of money at the show for things for my shop and I was hesitant to spend money on something for myself.  Plus it was not cheap.   After twisting my arm…yeah right, I am the new owner of this wonderful old mill artifact.
See the little metal tag on the wine bottle? I also got four of these tags from the same dealer.
I think this cog may be the start of a new collection of  industrial antiques.  Right now hubby is probably holding his chest and saying  OH NO !. You see this thing weighs a ton and he has to do all the heavy carrying  for me. This will teach him to complain about my dish collection…

47 thoughts on “A Cog, A Pulley What is it?”

  1. Sherry, I love the look of that. Love the whole vignette with my favorite bottles. I am still looking for bargains on those.

  2. Everything in your post was great but I especially like that your husband "gets you". That is really the priceless treasure of the day. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I always love seeing something unusual but beautiful at the same time. I like all of these items! Well, your hubby will deserve a good back massage and then he will stop complaining!

    Have a lovely weekend Sherry!

  4. Wooden and metal industrial pieces are the BEST!
    They really bring a nice edge in to a space.
    Yours is beautiful AND I love it with your bottles!

  5. What a great piece! And the green bottles are lovely- The tags really add a French air. Where is your shop? Is it on the East Coast?
    I also am an antiques dealer- I just opened a brick and mortar shop in Kensington, MD. I deal in smalls and vintage crafty goodies.
    I really enjoyed your post and look forward to catching up on your archives!

  6. Love your mill pieces. Very nice. My grandfather and great grandfather had stone wheels from grinding mills as stepping stones in the garden. So charming!
    Come by my blog and win a $50 CSN gift certificate.

  7. Hi Sherry,
    Nice to meet you, Thanks for stopping by! I just love those metal wheels, you have inspired me.

    Really like your thought provoking photography!! Great stuff here, I'll be back soon.


  8. Sherry, I love this and love your display. Those little tags are really unique…looks so great over your bottle!

    Have a great weekend,


  9. Ooooooo…I love the cog!! I knew I would. I wish I could've splurged on a few of them, but I just couldn't stomach (or afford) the cost. Hopefully I'll find them some day at an auction or something. I love it next to your bottles.

  10. I will have to visit your place when I travel down south to see my family. What's your address? And I know how you feel about running around with antique booths. I had 4 at one time and couldn't keep up. Having one location (and more freedom to do fun things with the shop) is really great! I love little crafty items and it's so nice to be able to put one price tag for 20 of the same items rather than having to write 20 tags!

  11. Hi Sherry!

    Love this vignette! You look at it and wonder what the history behind each item is. And those are my favorite kinds of things!

    thank you for stopping by and letting me know the Woman's Day Mag offer has ended. I posted that it is over now.

    Have a wonderful day!

  12. Hi Sherry,
    What a great architectural piece. And the way that you have displayed it looks wonderful.
    I like the little metal tags too.


  13. Great piece, I love to get those pieces that you are not likely to see in just any house you go into. I like the way you have it displayed. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Fabulous piece! Don't you just love things no one else has? Do you have a link to your shop? I must visit it this summer when I go to Richmond to visit my daughter.

  15. Oh I LOVE it. I think architectural pieces are so interesting and your cog is just fabulous. I love the vignette with all the wine bottles too. So pretty. What a wonderful find. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  16. Your bloggie name just cracks me up….I was thinking that about myself this morning…I'm putting the master bath, bedroom re-do back together and chuckled about how much I can cram into one room…..No Minimalist Here either..

    Love the cogs/wheels/do-hickeys… I wouldn't never have thought to hang them on the wall.

    Warm blessings,

  17. Sherry your cog is perfect, I'm so glad you bought it! I love those sorts of industrial items too! And I'm so sorry I missed Luckett's this year…hopefully I'll be able to make it to the next one!

    Kat 🙂

  18. LOL I love your "that'll teach him" mentality, that is hysterical!

    Beautiful piece you've found for yourself, enjoy it. We are all entitled to do a little something for ourselves now and then. 🙂

    Happy VTT!

  19. I think your husband did the right thing in encouraging you to purchases this cog. I love this type of art work, but as you said they are very heavey. Hard to hang.

  20. Lovely vignette, I totally understand why you wanted that cog. It's a great conversation piece, I'm sure! Do you know where I could find some of those cute little metal tags? I'd love a couple for my own creative endeavors…..

  21. I love the touch of industrial pieces like the one you've highlighted! It is beautiful alone, but I love it with your glass bottles…I'm on the lookout for a couple of pieces like that. Thanks for your sweet comment on the mirror, too! -shaunna 🙂

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