3 Essential Home Maintenance To Complete Before The Cold Sets In

A snowy and brutally cold winter is to be expected for much of the country for the 2020-2021 season, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. In preparation for the colder months, there are a number of things that need to be taken care of — particularly when it comes to home maintenance. Whether you’ve recently become a homeowner or simply don’t know where to start, here are just three essential things you should do before the cold sets in.

The importance of roof inspection

Inspecting your roof is a key element of any pre-winter home maintenance, as it’s arguably one of the most important structural aspects of your house that is at risk for damage. Should you already have pre-existing roof issues, failing to fix them may allow the damage to significantly worsen during winter (thanks to the snow and ice), which can bring expensive consequences later on when discovered. One simple way to start is by inspecting your roof for any irregularities, like damaged shingles that may need to be repaired (or replaced altogether). Holes, pooling water, damage from summer storms, and signs of decay (such as moss growth) are all additional things to keep an eye out for during a fall inspection, and can allow you to tend to such issues before the snow begins to fall.

Preventing frozen pipes

For those who have outdoor faucets, ensuring that your pipes don’t freeze is essential. This is because frozen pipes can easily crack, and can cost you in the long run in terms of damage should water leak from them. For this reason, it’s necessary to shut off any outdoor faucets, drain them, and disconnect and put away any outdoor water hoses you may have. For those who may be heading south for the winter and leaving their homes vacant for a period of time, winterizing your pipes is recommended in order to prevent any damage. However, when it comes to getting the job done, hiring a professional is ideal in ensuring your more intricate plumbing needs are met to the fullest before winter. A high number of customer reviews, high overall rating, and an absence of code violations are all things to look for when choosing a qualified professional, according to those who advocate for some of the top plumbers in Indianapolis.

Cleaning your dryer vent

Firefighters respond to about 13,820 house fires each year that are caused by clothes dryers, with around an astonishing 27% due to lint accumulation. For such reasons, it’s important to take the necessary steps in preventing a fire and the consequential damage that comes along with it. Cleaning your dryer duct at least annually — ideally before the cold sets in, when you’re likely to use your dryer more frequently — is a great way to do so. It’s important to keep in mind that there are additional steps you should take as well, such as cleaning your lint trap/filter daily (after every load of laundry) and watching for signs that your dryer’s vent system could be clogged — such as when the clothes aren’t fully dry.

With the coming winter predicted to be quite cold and snowy, taking the proper steps in terms of home maintenance is a must in taking care of your home by preventing damage. Some of the essentials include cleaning your dryer duct, inspecting your roof, and taking care of the plumbing to prevent frozen pipes.


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