How To Make A Recycled T-shirt Rug


Let’s face it – we all have old t-shirts in our closets. However, you’re out of ideas on how you can recycle them into something else. Good news! There are tons of DIY old t-shirts ideas you can try out, so you no longer have to dispose of your old t-shirt. But, before then, let’s take a look at how you can recycle your old t-shirt into a rag. Shall we?

1. Get The Right Items

To make a good t-shirt rug, you need to have the right materials. These items include about 7-8 old t-shirts, flat doormat, scissors, and glue. The number of t-shirts you intend to use will depend on the size of the rug.

2. Cut The T-shirts

Starting at the bottom, adjust the width of your t-shirt by cutting it into 2-inch strips using scissors. Cut the 2-inch strips into 5-6 inch long sections. After you’re done with the cutting process, arrange the strips as you dispose of the remaining unused parts.

3. Tie Knots Using The T-shirts

The knots should be tied at the centre of each section to obtain more refined pieces. Also, you can use the knotting process to allow the strips to fit perfectly to the doormat. Note that this process should apply to all the strips before you start glueing.

4. Add The Tied Knots

Once you’ve aligned the strips, put glue on one side of the doormat then carefully stick the knots to the glue. Continue glueing the knots with ⅕ inch space between them as you add more knotted pieces. If you’re using coloured t-shirts, glue them randomly to obtain a multicoloured doormat pattern.

5. Finalize Glueing Of Knots

Continue glueing the t-shirts in a straight pattern at the edge of the doormat, keeping in mind the ⅕ space throughout the glueing process. Once you’re done, leave the rug to dry up for at least half an hour. You can now utilize your DIY old t-shirt to wipe off your shoes, make doormats, rugs, among other things.


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