I only brought a few pieces of furniture with me on our recent move. One of those pieces is a 10′ tall antique pine armoire. I loved this piece in our beach home but it just doesn’t seem to fit in our new traditional Virginia home. I had thought of painting the armoire…maybe a creamy white with smoke glaze. I could paint it black for a traditional look. I had almost decided to go ahead and paint it when this catalog arrived:
I am loving all this natural wood
Thank you Restoration Hardware. You have made me fall in love again with the unfinished pine armoire.
This is my armoire in unfinished pine.
This is the family room and the armoire is on the left wall.
So, should I paint or not? I would love your suggestions.
No Way!! If anything I'd lightly sand it and scrub a little bleach on it to really give it that old unfinished look in that delicious catalog Restoration Hardware. It will look lovely in your pretty room.
Let us know how it goes.
I'm going with no. You can always paint later if you don't keep loving it.
I don't know… If you notice… Those pictures with the natural wood have very very bland neutral walls- and I think this helps you notice the true beauty of the wood- there's no competition there. I see that the room that has the armoire is a beautiful green. I would either paint the room or paint the armoire. This is only my wee little opinion, I'm sure you will get many great suggestions. I'm also sure that with your sense of style, you will decide what's best and it will be stunning! Can't wait to find out!
I love the natural pine. I see so much of that in the catalogs now and it is so fresh looking. I do think you need another piece of unfinished pine in the room or at least some accessories in unfinished pine to pull it together. Just my opinion. Paint is gorgeous too, but the pine is so fresh and new. Hugs, Marty
I think leaing it alone would be nice, the browns in your chair will balance it visiually. you have a beautiful family room. Smiles, Marla
If you fell in love with it again, as is, Sherry, then I would leave it. Otherwise I would go with the black, {and not because I just did black} but because I see you have tables in this room in black.
Hi Sherry,
I love your living room. It is so beautiful! And as much as I love white, I would definitely leave your pine armoire its natural color. The pine really warms up a space. Beautiful photos!
Have a great weekend.
15 Bella Vie
I love rustic, primitive type antiques and would definitely leave it that beautiful aged pine. I don't think you can improve on that wonderful look.
Sherry, I'm agreeing with most of the other comments. I think it may be best left alone. Your room is gorgeous with beautiful colors. The natural wood against the colors in the room probably make it pop and painting it may make it get lost to a degree. I also think that if you got that catalog and started re-thinking it maybe that's what partially made you love the piece in the first place…the simple, natural beautify of pine. I'm really, really liking painted furniture these days and thinking I may take the plunge with a piece here or there so I think I understand your wanting to paint it and make a little change but that natural wood and the armoire is really nice. You should show a photo of it against the wall its on. Your home is gorgeous! I've thought about your dining room ALOT! I love the blue and green…going to at least do a tablescape with those colors and pulling some pieces together now.
Oh, and to answer your question about transferware I have a post on how I started collecting (it's my first one) and is here: http://nancysdailydish.blogspot.com/2010/01/welcome.html
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hi Sherry,
Love the armoire as is – I really liked the idea ( I think it was from Tamra) re: lightly sanding and rubbing with bleach for the R.H. look. I love that store. Just bought several of their linen pillows with the vintage prints for my gameroom. Love the non-color in the catalog. I left a message on your Rate My Space page – Morning Room. I REALLY want a bench like yours. Can you point me in the right direction that I might find one? Thanks so much – love your style.
Sharon (Southern Girl on RMS)
if you want a painted look – paint the bottom half of the table and leave the top raw….and as far as the cabinet is concerned, I like it the way it is……but you could always sand it down and put a wax finish on it…….or change the doors out to glass – or put fabric behind chicken wire –
hope that helps – I love giving ideas!!
Hi Sherry,
I think I would leave it unpainted as well. It has such a wonderful patina on it & I think it looks wonderful with your room as is!!
Thanks so much for coming by & commenting on my bedroom makeover! It's finally finished & I'm ready to post…just waiting on one little thing…..:)
Let me begin by saying this is my first visit here and I think I may have found someone who sees things like I do. I plan to be following. You stopped by my blog and left a comment about the color element in my family room . Thank you I feel validated. I always seem to be doing the opposite of the trends. I never know if I am ahead or behind. I think all of the white is so pretty in pictures and may be refreshing in the summer but in our midwest winters, I just think it would feel cold. Bring on the color.
Sorry for rambling. As for your room, it is hard to say. I would love to see an image with the armoire in the room because it might balance off of that chair quite well. I love black though too and you have some elements of black. Black is dramatic and I'm always a fan of that. The room is really really pretty. Love the green. :0
Pam @ Becolorful
You have a beautiful home. Love the tray ceiling. Life is what you make it. If you're now enjoying it in it's natural state theen leave it and paint it later.Do what makes you happy.
– The Tablescaper