I am so sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I know I am really behind in answering your emails and comments. Hubby and I have both been down with the flu. I just woke up from sleeping eighteen hours straight. That NyQuil is some great stuff…knocked me out good. Before I go back to bed I did want to mention a blogging event that I found.
Have you heard about the One World One Heart event starting on January 30th? I borrowed the info below from the sponsor A Whimsical Bohemian. It sounds like a great way to “meet” new bloggers and to introduce your blog worldwide.
“One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. In the past 4 years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships (and even one love connection) formed along the way. Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home……..going from blog to blog(in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a “door prize or prizes”….just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world. It’s really that easy.”
Hi Sherry,
So sorry to hear you and your hubs are not feeling well. I pray that it will soon pass and you'll both be back on schedule.
Thanks for the info about the OWOH event, something to really consider being a part of.
Take care and as my family would say, eat lots of chicken soup 'cause it heals everything…;))
Are you feeling better yet? Hope so! Come visit me when you are up from the land of icky – I'm having a little bitty giveaway!
Being sick is NOT a good way to start the new year, ya know!
I am so sorry that you and hubby are both sick with the flu. If I could cook you a big pot of home made soup and drop it off at your front door, I sure would. I will have to check out this event your speaking of, thanks. Get well soon
here i sit at 2pm afternoon.. still in jammies and robe..having just woken from yet another long sleep!
This Flu stuff has kicked my BEHIND!
started with hubs at Christmas.. which he generously shared to me.. along with all the accouterments..
the not so nice stuff..
finally antibiotics were called in for the sinus infection..
anyway.. am trying to feel better and win the battle.. hope you are winning also!..
will check out the OWOH details..
sounds interesting!!
feel better soon!!
warmest hugs and a glass of Sprite!!
Oh yes, I blog hopped that event last year, Sherry! What a lot of fun and talented people I came across. I'll look forward to it again this year! Thanks for the heads up! : )
Hope you and your hubby are feeling better. I will check out this blog hop.
Wow, you have been sick, too. Kat, just wrote the same thing and my daughter and son in law have had horrible colds, but not the flu. I hope you feel better soon!! Thanks for this info. I will check it out.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you are all better now!
Thanks for telling us about OWOH! I'm so sorry you are not feeling well.
Hello~Thanks so much for the visit to my blog today.Nice to meet you.I always enjoy meeting new friends and visiting their blogs too.
I so hope you are feeling better.We have had the same thing here at our house as well for the last 3 weeks.We all just keep passing it on to the next.Ugh! Hope it's gone now.
I am off to check out that site sounds like a blast.I am also a new follower of your blog.
I am having a giveaway I will enter you in it as well.Not sure if you ment to enter it or not.~Cheers Kim
Sorry that flu bug hit you and your husband. Hope you're feeling better.
Thanks for the info on the One World event. I'm going to check out the details.
Hope you start feeling better SOON!!! Thanks for the info about this event…I will go check it out. Getting excited about our BIG GAME on Monday…WAR EAGLE!!!!
Hi Sherry, thank you for the tip, you're so sweet. I hope to plant them this weekend. Hope you're feeling better soon. Not a fun way to start the new year. xoxo tami
Hope you are feeling better, Sherry, and that your car and furnace troubles are better, too! XO
Sorry you are sick, OH I love my Nyquil! I will check out that blog hop. Let me know when you get your Orlando plans made.
Thomas and I were down and out with the flu for two weeks. I have a question about the One World/ One Heart Event. How do you over a giveaway and limit it to only those participating in the event? This sounds like something I'd like to participate in.
Your Friend,
Oh, Sherry,
Get well soon. A lot of bloggers have been writing they are sick. We have been doing well this winter. Thank you for the info of the blogging event.
Oh my! The flu is horrid! I hope you are on the mend, and hubby too!
Thank you for the info about OWOH, it sounds very interesting. I get so much inspiration from bloggers and this would be a great way to meet more people and visit the creative blogs people create all over the world!
Take care!
hello sherry! so glad you found me and thanks bunches for your comment. hope you are all better soon!
Hey Sherry, I have heard about this event but never participated….maybe I should this time. Seems like a wonderful event. Hope you are feeling better now and I hope the snowstorm coming is just a mini one so we can get back on the road this week. 🙂 xoxo
Hi Sherry! I hope you and your hubby are feeling better! And thanks for telling about this fabulous event! Hope you are warm and cozy today!…hugs…Debbie
I'm so sorry to hear that you have been down too Sherry. I am sending you some 'virtual' chicken soup that someone else sent to me. It will do the trick.
The OWOH event is a wonderful thing. Thank you for the link.
Please take care of yourself sweet friend. I hope you are up and about soon and we'll run a 'virtual' race together. OK?
big hug
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your husband have been sick. that is some nasty stuff that is gong around all over the country. Thanks for the heads up on this event . I'm going to check it out right now. Have a great week. Mona
Sherry, so sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope you chase away that flu bug quickly!