Need Your Support

I hope you are having a great week.
  I have spent the last two weeks struggling with Facebook.  Somehow my timeline
has been deleted and I no longer have access to your pages, nor are you able to
see my page.  All friends and followers are GONE….yep, just disappeared!  I do
miss connecting with each of you.
My only choice is to create a new Facebook page and start from scratch.   I would very
much appreciate you visiting, and following,  the new No Minimalist Here FB page by
clicking on the link below.Facebook No Minimalist Here

Thanks so much.



12 thoughts on “Need Your Support”

  1. Sherry, I wonder about fb sometimes?? Half of who I liked on fb I don't see their posts. I choose not to have a fb page but will be by to like your new page.

  2. i'm not sure what's going on with FB but since Feb. 12th nothing was showing up that i was posting to my timeline…i did everything i knew to do (which wasn't much) but just this week it started showing up again! in addition to that, my windows live writer on both laptops doesn't recognize my router! technology is great until i goes haywire!

  3. I don't understand facebook sometimes and there's really not a good place to go for help. I can't share my pictures on my timeline anymore from my personal page. I just have to post to it spacifically — no shareing bummer. I did re like your page.

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