A well-maintained and lush green lawn is like a dream and pride for every homeowner. Of course, grass benefits form continuous watering and fertilisation, but it is also important to mow the lawn as maintenance. Although it seems like a lot of work, looking after your lawn can ensure it looks beautiful and lustrous just like a professional trim.
Although mowing a lawn is a simple process of cutting the grass short using a lawn mower, many people find it difficult to mow their lawn properly. Did you know there is a right and wrong way to cut your grass?
A good mowing routine can boost the growth of your lawn and eliminate unwanted weeds. If the thought of mowing makes you feel overwhelmed, here are 10 tips that will tell you how to mow your lawn like a professional.
1. Choose the right mower
Before you buy a new lawn mower, take some time to identify which type of mower will be useful for you. Generally, lawn mowers are available in two types:
- a riding mower – suitable for bigger lawns
- a walk-behind mower – better suited to smaller lawns
Experts at Mowers Online warn that buying the wrong size or type of lawn mower can make it difficult for you to mow your lawn correctly. Therefore, you want to carefully select a mower that will meet all your requirements and be easy for you to use, filtering through the characteristics, size, shape, price and application of each mower to decide the one that will suit you the most. You may also need to purchase a strimmer, cleaner for your mower, and protective equipment for yourself.
2. Use sharp blades
Sharp blades can make a significant difference in the lawn mowing process. Giving your lawn a cleaner look and reducing the risk of bacteria around the grass. Dull blades can unevenly shred the grass or pull it from the roots. To get better results, make sure to sharpen your mower blades at least several times a year or change them for new ones when they are not performing well enough.
3. Do not make the grass too short
No matter how tempting it is to make the grass very short, try to keep your grass a little long. While shorter grass can give your lawn a compact finish, it does not help in the photosynthesis process. This can reduce the grass growth leaving your lawn looking thin and patchy over time. As a rule of thumb, try to not cut the grass more than one-third of its height to keep the luscious, green look you’re after.
4. Use a higher mow setting
Using a higher mow setting will ensure that you do not cut the grass short. This will also give an even finish to the entire lawn and avoid any bald patches from the uneven ground. You can also set the height of your mow based on the type of your grass.
For example, in the winter season, grass can be cut to a height of 0.75 inches to 4 inches. Whereas, in the summer season, grass can be cut to a height of 0.5 inches to 3 inches. By keeping the seasonal mowing height variation in mind, you can improve the overall health of your grass.
5. Mulch as you mow
Mulching is a process that allows you to cover the lawn with a layer of the grass clippings collected during mowing. By using a mulching attachment with your mower, you can provide nutrients to the soil. As young and tender grass blades get quickly absorbed into the soil, it increases the nutritional value of the grass from the root level. Mulching while mowing also saves time and effort spent on collecting the grass with a mower, dumping it into piles and disposing of it.
6. Avoid mowing on hotter days
Mowing the lawn at the hottest time of the year can badly affect the health of your grass. In the summer season, the ground turns hard due to drought conditions, resulting in the drying of the grass. Mowing the lawn during hot, sunny days can make it appear unappealing. Longer grass can provide shade to the soil beneath, helping to slow down the moisture loss and keeping the lawn greener. If your grass is growing wild in the summers, try to just give it a short trim without reducing its length too much.
7. Mow in different patterns
Mowing the lawn in the same pattern every time is a common mistake made by many homeowners. Driving the mower in the same path every time can make the grass blades grow at similar angles. Additionally, it can make tracks in your lawn and make the grass thinner. To make your grass look fuller and grow in a straight direction, remember to switch your mowing patterns from time to time.
8. Do not mow wet grass
Mowing wet grass will not only affect the quality of your lawn but also reduce the efficiency of your mower. Wet grass is likely to clump easily and get stuck in the mower blades, blunting them in the process. This will also result in huge ruts being left behind the mower wheels.
Wet grass can also stick below the cutting deck of the mower and make it difficult to clean. As a result, it can shorten the life of your mower if not cared for properly and be very messy. Therefore, we recommend waiting for dry days to mow the lawn to keep it green and growing evenly.
9. Start mowing from the perimeter of your lawn
To avoid missing any part of your lawn, consider starting from the outline of your lawn and progressing towards the inside. This will ensure that you do not mow the same area more than once and will keep the height of the grass constant throughout the lawn. Once you have covered the entire area, you can overlap your mow to give a finishing touch to your lawn.
10. Remove debris from the lawn
Not paying attention to the debris on the lawn can damage your lawn mower. It can also result in the spread of the debris across the entire lawn. Before you start mowing, take a walk across the lawn to see if any debris, such as dead grass, sand, water pipes or trash is present on the grass. Raking the grass is essential to remove this debris and clean the grass before the mowing process.