Two Bugs & Two Breaks

I hope everyone is doing well….me, not so much!
I have had the flu since last Friday and I have to tell you,  this bug has knocked me
on my butt!
 My laptop also has some kind of bug that has it doing crazy things like shutting down
by itself right in the middle of me using it.  My USB ports are not working which
means no downloading pictures from my camera or being able to use the mouse.
Can you believe on top of all this I broke two toes by jamming them into the metal legs
of a bed frame?   Talk about painful!   Now I am hobbling around,  whining a lot and
limited to wearing a pair of turquoise sandals, with every outfit.
My blog will be on a much needed break until I can recover and the laptop repaired.
Thanks for your patience.

46 thoughts on “Two Bugs & Two Breaks”

  1. Oh so sorry to hear all of this is happening to you. When it rains bad luck it really pours!!!! I broke my toe one time on the bed post like that and I can totally understand how painful that was. I hope you start to feel better soon and your computer too. Miss seeing posts from you. Good thoughts coming your way.

  2. Oh. I am so sorry .. You really are having a time of it. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery. From the flu and your poor toes :-/
    Also a quick recovery for your computer as well.
    BIG hugs, Gee

  3. Sherry,
    I hope you will be on the mend soon. My computer became as my son said , "Badly infected" last weekend .
    Every time Windows ( Vista) came on, I was picking up radio stations in both English and other languages. It was like it became an antenna! I could not save images to the hard drive either. My Son had to strip the hard drive and re- install everything. Then it became infected again. He felt the virus had infected Windows Vista so he stripped it again and installed Windows 7 and all is good. Thank God he is an IT specialist for the national company Web.Com!!


  4. Oh my goodness…I hope you and laptop feel better soon. I caught a bug last week and it totally knocked me on my butt. I could not function. I went straight to the doctor. If you have not, I recommend you do so. Sometimes self diagnosis is not a good thing. I got a shot and meds and three days later I was at Disney World. Take care my dear! Do get your rest.


  5. Sorry to hear your troubles.
    I believe sometimes when we refuse to give ourselves a break… God MAKES US!!!

    Enjoy the time off, rest well…and recuperate…see you when you get back.

  6. Well, that would be a bad day….hope your toes get better soon. I broke a toe when my son was a baby. I tripped on his blanket on the floor. It was months before I could wear a regular shoe…just sayin'!

  7. Sherry,
    I agree with Pat. Take the much needed time out. Put your feet up and relax! I'll miss reading your posts, but I know you'll return when you can.

  8. I know how much pain just one broken toe can be because I broke a toe last summer ~ but two oh my! Take good care of yourself. I am sending you healing thoughts and you will be in my prayers tonight!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  9. Man, you are getting hit on all sides, I'm sorry! How old is your laptop? some that are 4 years or younger have card slots (they look like a 1 to 2" wide opening, like a toaster) and you can put your camera memory card in there to retrieve pics….if you do have one and need help with retrieving them, email me…I'll walk ya thru it!

    Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  10. Oh Sherry! I am so sorry to hear all of this! With all you're trying to accomplish, these bugs and breaks are the last thing you need (not that there would be a better time, but you know what I mean) I hope that you and your computer are feeling much better soon! Sending healing thoughts and prayers! Hugs, Leena

  11. Feel better Sherry, rest and relax and enjoy your time to recuperate, don't know if my first comment went through, so i did another, ok to delete if you received two

  12. Oh, Sherry, I'm so sorry! I hope you and your laptop get to feeling better real soon! I wish I could bring you some home-made chicken soup. That stuff fixes everything!
    His blessings (and healing),
    Kim @ Curtain Queen

  13. Ok you had a VERY bad week. I can't believe you broke two toes! I don't even know where to begin other than to say I'm very sorry and I LAUGHED because I thought you were joking. OMGoodness!!! What in the world did you or your husband do? 😉

  14. HI Sherry – Blessings to you and all of the issues. Take care of yourself and hope all gets better soon. Hugs, Holly @ Coconutheadsurvivalguide

  15. Oh, OUCH (toes), bummer (flu), bother (laptop), and other such commiserations, my friend!

    Wishing you happy healing from all that ails you and a capable techie expert (hopefully related to you) to cure your laptop and all troublesome ports.

    With all of the rain Richmond and environs has had, the toe I broke before freshman year in high school have been moaning. Talk about an unwelcome blast from the past.


  16. Gosh Sherry, I'm sooo sorry to hear that you're having so much bad stuff go on all at once! You may have gotten yourself run down from being so busy with your Dad and your move. Hope you recover quickly. I broke my pinky toe a few summers ago at my house and had to go to the ER to have it re-set. I ended up wearing flip flops and taping my toes together for a while. There's not much they can do for broken toes.

  17. If it's true that bad things come in three, then you've had your three bad things.What a bother when the computer doesn't work. Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

  18. My USB Port stopped reading my camera card. Quick Fix is a card reader. They are very inexpensive…mine is a Targus and I think my hubby picked it up for me at Walmart…I just checked and on line they are only $4.95…probably a little more at the store. I have used it for a long time now…I just take the card out of my camera and put it in the reader…works great. This might be the quick and inexpensive answer for you. Hope things start looking up for you!

  19. So sorry, Sherry. I hope all the broken stuff is mended ASAP! Thankfully, in summer you can wear sandals! Broken toes are no fun.

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