Before Thanksgiving I always buy Paperwhite bulbs so they will
be blooming at Christmas. Traditionally you can find dozens of
Paperwhites scattered around our home. I love to put them in antique
urns and tie pretty ribbons around the stems when they can no longer
stand straight.
I even bought a rusty urn to put the bulbs in this year.
This year my search for the bulbs took me to every big box store and
plant nurseries in my dad’s town.
Can you believe there was not a Paperwhite to be found?
I even had a funny experience at the local Home Depot store. I asked
a clerk if they carried Paperwhite bulbs and she looked at me rather
She picked up the phone and paged the electric department
saying a customer has a question on light bulbs! GEEZ
Okay, I know I am in Florida and the plant aisles are still full of palm trees
and blooming hibiscus, but you would think these little bulbs would not
be so hard to find.
I have been browsing for pictures of the elusive flowers….I may have to
make copies and post them throughout the house.
Below are some of my favorite photos.
Two Inspire Design
Southern Hospitality
Veranda Magazine
Mrs Cooper Diary
Seattle Times
I planted a palm tree in my new rusty urn! There are an abundance of palms
and they are inexpensive at $4.50 each.
The palm is currently sitting on dad’s patio enjoying the Florida sunshine.
Next year I will be ordering
bulbs on-line… way before Thanksgiving
Did you get Paperwhites this year?Happy Holidays.
Gorgeous Sherry – every photo!
Sherry this is my first year I've planted paperwhites. But the funny thing is, right after Thanksgiving when I went to Home Depot and Lowes, they were already out! So I found them at (of all places) Wal-Mart. Tons of them in the nursery department. They're just now blooming and I just learned I need to stake them, and I needed to plant them in bigger bunches. But it's all good knowledge for next year. Love the photos in this post.
Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)
If it is any consolation, I haven't seen any of them this year either.
Have you tried "BloomingBulb" online? they may still have some. I imagine you could even grow them outside down there. But I have to say, that palm looks pretty fabulous in your urn. Hope you're having a precious time with your Dad this Christmas!
lovely inspiration photos Sherry and I'm sure the palm you planted will make a beautiful display.
I cant seem to grow plants from bulbs so I ordered the best looking faux paper whites I could find online in mid nov. — they havent shown up yet:)
maybe it just wasnt meant to be for us lol
paper whites are one of my favorites and a must have for Christmas. I have had a heck of a time finding them here as well. Go figure. Richard from My Old Historic House.
Sherry that is so funny.She must have thought you said "Paper lights" and not "Paper whites" LOL! I was lucky there were plenty at our nursery when I bought them a while back.If I had known I would have picked up some for you!
Great inspiration photos!
And I LOVE your palm tree! We don't get those here in Illinois!
I love paperwhites too! Maybe you can get some fake ones. Target sells them. That's where I got mine. Of course, you won't have the good smell though. But hey, they'll last forever and they don't have to be watered or tied up when they start falling over. LOL!
Sherry, what pretty images! I had to laugh…being connected to the light bulb department…that's classic!
Sherry I did not find any either, but only looked at a couple of places. I do have some faux paperwhites that really look real, but and it is a big BUT they don't have the lovely fragrance. Loved seeing the beautiful images,
Merry Christmas,
I did get around to planting them all around the house. Actually I was at Home Depot on the weekend and they had massive amounts on sale. Isn't it strange how they can be scarce one spot and abundant in another.
That is so funny that you were connected to the light bulb department. You might have to check a real nursery. Good luck. I too love paper whites. xo
Dear Debra that is so odd about the Paperweights. I do love them! Beautiful images of ways to display!
Love & Hugs,
Art by Karena
$75 NOVICA Giveaway
Hi Sherry,
Your palm looks lovely! I didn't plant any paperwhites this year because I found out I am allergic to them. Have a very Happy Holiday!
I love paperwhites this time of year. Mine did not far well while I was out of town.
I enjoyed your inspiration pictures!
Oh my goodness Sherry! I'll send you as many as you want next year!They are so cheap and plentiful here!!!!
Your pictures are the most beautiful… I am bookmarking this post until next Christmas!
Sherry, I always forget to do this and every year I see how beautiful they are and think….next year! Shoot, next year I have to remember before I get to busy to do it…So pretty
Hi Sherry, I am sorry for not stopping by enough!
I love your PW's but I am not doing any either this year
FYI I have purchased some at Easy To Grow Bulbs but have found some for much less right now at other sites…there is still time to plant ; o )
Your house looks wonderful and so beautiful without them so no worries for you !
kelley xxx's
Don't feel bad Paper whites only arrived in Maine last week. As far as home Depot and the light bulbs,
it's like that here too. Too many
head phones, their brains have melted.
Merry Christmas,
great post
Hi Sherry, I had lunch with my sister yesterday and she mentioned she could not find paper whites either. I bought mine at the Great Big Greenhouse this year and just planted them over the weekend. I like to have them in January and February to brighten up the family room during the dreary winter. Love your urn!!! I have that same mermaid riding on the dolphin in old chalkware for sale on my website. Just in case we move to the beach, I may need to pull her and save for myself. 🙂 Have a wonderful week.
hi, i shopped around too went to few home depot and Lowes, finally found 1 pkg of 6. i was wondering the same thing, why no paperwhites.
happy holidays
all the pics are happy pics…and beauty in each one…sometimes I think I don't have to have it, to enjoy it….and that is what I love about bloggers and Pintrest! Thank yu and wishing you a blessed Christmas hopes for memory's this Chrismas with the men in your live…
Hi Sherry!
I have three pots of them and their smell is almost overwhelming! I must have bought some super fragrant variety. I do not ever remember them being so strong.
Can I send you some bulbs?
They are in abundance in Illinois at the shops nearby.
Let me know!
HOWEVER… Hi, I've always planted paperwhites and it took me YEARS to figure out that a "urine" kind of a smell was coming from THEM. We don't have pets and can't have real trees due to allergies, and I really enjoyed them. Every year, toward mid-end of bloom we'd start smelling "that smell" and, yep that's what it was! So does that make you feel any better? Has anyone else noticed that oder? I've lived in Oregon, Colorado and MT, and same smell… 🙂
Sheila in Oregon
Oh, and just to clarify… I'm not talking about their initial fragrance which is beautiful. The smell comes a few days after that. They're not old, still blooming, but it always happened. 🙂
Lovely post. I love paperwhites.
I'm really surprised that you can't find any in Florida! Isn't there a florist that carries them? Around here, the grocery stores have flower sections that carry them, in bloom. Sorry you can't find any. Merry Christmas! Hugs, Leena
Same story in Southern CA. I couldn't find them anywhere….finally ordered online. It has also been my experience that people working at garden stores (Lowe's, Home Depot) look confused when asked about them. I once had to ask 4 different employees before someone figured out what I was talking about! 😉
Yes…I did plant some this year. The first year in several….and I'm loving every minute of it! I even wrote a blog post about paperwhites last night. (I included a link there for purchasing papewhites online…everyone is out now locally.)
We had a good bunch available in Oklahoma. I started my paper whites and amaryllis bulb just in time. They are blooming on que. I tried to water my paper white with alcohol mixture as I had read it will keep them short. Not sure how well that tuned out but I do have blooms 🙂
Love all your pics. They are a very pretty plant.. New follower.