My Intaglios Hung

Thank you for the great response to the framed intaglios GIVEAWAY.  
I have been working on over-drive to get these ready for the party. 
 There is still time to join the Holiday Dining  party and to enter the giveaway.
I wanted to walk away from the Christmas decorating and show you how I have displayed
the intaglios in our living room.  
I can’t show you the rest of the living room just yet.  There are painting projects going on
right now, but I promise to reveal the entire room after Christmas.
This is how the wall looked previously with the framed botanical prints.
I really like the botanical prints but it was time for a change. I’ll put them aside until summer and
then change things around.
I am working on several new products for my Etsy Shop and the soon to be opened
on-line shop.  In addition to the intaglios I have also added some wonderful hand colored
sea fans to Etsy.
We leave Tuesday for an early Christmas visit with our family in Florida.  My laptop is
going to the shop while we are gone so I will be MIA for a little while.  The
Open House Party will still be held starting Wednesday evening.  Keeping my fingers
crossed the automated publishing works!  
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I am partying at..

19 thoughts on “My Intaglios Hung”

  1. Your new pictures look so pretty! I really love those. They look great around that pretty mirror. Can't wait to see the room when it's ready for its reveal.

  2. The look beautiful, Sherry. They are fabulous hung next to the mirror. Can't wait to see what else is going on!

    I was thing of doing a tour of my living room, but now I think not.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  3. Sherry,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following your blog as well. It appears we are both crazy about antiques as well as the hunt for unique old objects. By the way, I loved the intaglios you just displayed on your wall and the contrast with the green walls. Sounds like you like changing your decorating often as well. I'm sure we have a lot in common.

  4. Hi Sherry,
    Your home is looking just beautiful!!! I love your Intaglios, you did an amazing job on them!!
    I'm so excited to see that your opening up an on-line shop!!
    I hope you have a beautiful week.

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