Recently someone asked me what I would call my decorating style.
The only answer I could come up with is
I see homes that are one style and think how beautifully pulled together they are. I wish I could select a style that I love and stick with it. The problem is I love way too many different decorating styles.
Country French is a favorite as evident in our bedroom.
and the living room
But..I also like the warm Tuscan Style of our family room..
especially in the evening
I also like to add a little fun or something different to the mix such as my lime green office or…
Or a cog in the dining room
It’s no secret that I love English transferware
Of course I also have Italian Pottery scattered around the house
A few pieces of Quimper add to the mix
A dash of feminine
I had to add some shabby chic
I cannot forget the coastal accents
The chaos is most evident in the dining room!
In this room English transferware meets Italian pottery, shabby chic, European art, coastal design and Country French!!
Ignore the not so attractive chandy. When the house went on the market I took the one we bought down and put back up the original.
I have always had a somewhat eclectic style but now it appears to have gone beyond that.
The coastal accessories will be packed up soon to make room for the Fall decor. I can’t bear to get rid of the transferware or the Italian pottery. I am in still in love with Country French so what is a girl to do?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Are you a design schizophrenic too?
Your style is…(me clapping) I love it!And I love your use of toile.
Count me in. I see so many different things I like that I just tend to mix them together. Sort of like the old T.G.I. Friday's decor.
I suffer the same affliction. If there is a cure I don't want it. My bathroom is 1950's with a shabby touch but the living room is more of a mission style , while the office is country primitive.My Dinning is french shabby and the bedroom is in transition.
Multiple personalities going on at my house, too. If I had to identify one style that's my favorite, I'd have to say. . . No. Can't do it. Eclectic is the new black! The new 30! Or just the old favorite. 🙂
I think we must be identical twins! I am the same way. I love way too many styles!
I would call your taste lovely…I like a mix of styles too, as long as you can find a visual balance that you are happy with then who cares what labels others give it.
Blessings Kelsie
I don't know a name for your style, but I know, you have a lot of STYLE. Thanks, Richard from My Old Historic House.
I'm guilty! I call it Jekyll & Hyde style. LOL I'm all over the place.
Even though you've mixed it up, your home is beautiful Sherry!
Yep..I can so relate…but I love that kind of decorating…it makes a house a home!
I love so many styles also but tend to lean more towards country french…and am constantly working to achieve that in our home.
I LOVE your style! Your home is gorgeous!!!
Your home is just beautiful, it doesn't need a style name. I can honestly say that I don't have a name for my style either. I was actually laughing when I saw your post because I feel this way a lot. What is my style? A little bit country and a little bit rock and roll!
Marianne 🙂
Oh yes, I couldn't even describe what my style is here – eclectic doesn't begin to do it 🙂 xo,
I happen to like the eclectic look. Some rooms look too stale if they are too matchy-matchy every where. I say buy what you love and it will somehow all work together.
Sherry, Schizophrenics are very visionary people!! So your style fits just right with that!! Your style is absolutely breath taking! So beautiful!
You are not alone, Sherry! I like so many different styles, too, although it seems to be French that is in mind at the moment. I do find that I still like my warm colors, but I like the lighter look, too.
Ok….I think your style is old world European. In France, Italy and England, they all use French, Italian, English and Oriental pieces in their homes. The French do not just do French, the Italians do not just to Tuscan….they traveled, combined pieces from everywhere….
You do what you love and you do it well!
Your style is fabulous, so just keep loving what you love. I'm sure that French people have items in their homes that reflect their travels around Europe, or items that they just love, regardless of their origin.
The wonderful thing about design now is that we don't have to be constrained by just one style!
I like a lot of different styles, too and love your home. I don't think we should decorate in just one style, but a mix.
Sherry no matter what your style or styles are your home is BEAUTIFUL and i love it!! Martina
Like in the old English Manor homes, things were passed down from one generation to the next. There was no particular "style". Merely use what pleases you and don't worry so much!
The triple armoire is the exact same one I just painted grey with Annie Sloan paint! I posted it on my blog!
You have amazing style my friend! And I'm a tad schizophrenic about wanting my house to have all the many varied treasures YOU have in YOUR house!Lol!….Yes I'm a lemming as far as your house goes I'm afraid *winks* Vanna
It looks like your eclectic style gets on well together…you have a beautiful home.
Common advise when decorating is buy what you love and you'll find a place for it. I think you are a wonderful example of that. All your collections work wonderfully well together and your home looks like, well, a home, not a staged scene. I say, keep doing what you're doing, it's gorgeous!
It's not schizophrenic, Sherry sweetheart … it's INTERESTING … just like you!
I love that different rooms reflect different styles! I wish for that…sometimes I think my rooms blend TOO much together.
i love it! it looks like my house, haha…
It's all lovely. I tend to think that houses that are totally married to one style get a bit boring.
LOL Sherry. I think your beautiful home has "personality". Our homes should reflect our love of the things that please us and our family. Hang in there and enjoy the things you love.
Your style is Sherry Minimalist I. I wonder if Louis XIV worried about what his style was. I suspect he used what he loved and so should we all.
I too suffer from have multiple decorating personalities! Your home is fabulous and I adore each and every room.
I suffer from the multi-mix in every room where you seem to have your rooms more organized by style. I just love it.
Funny I have been writing a post about my living room having multiple personalities. It's a crazy mix.
Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!
Sherry,I think your style is perfect. The whole house looks beautiful. Only advice that I can give you is keep your little affliction, it sems to be working well for you!
You are so me!!! I like almost everything! Thank goodness my house doesn't flow. I'm working on it.
Hi Sherry! The thing I love most is that you make it all work! I love how you mix it all together and still make it look as if it was all meant to be. Any word on your move? Keep me posted!! Have a great weekend!! –Betsy
What a gorgeous home! Loving these fabulous pieces! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx
I love everything you do too~!It is a pain in the butt to keep things straight, I just love it all. So I am in the same boat as you Sherri. I loved seeing the vanity again!!
Your home is so beautiful! I live in an old church and my decorating is a mix as well. I love all of
your beautiful pieces…blessings, Shirley
I call my style Early Attic. Our furniture of 39 years mixes with my parent's furniture (only child here) and my maternal grandparent's furniture and it's chaos du jour. Like you, I love too many styles and colors to settle on a "cohesive" scheme but it seems to work. I just need more closets.
Your style works beautifully!
I'm guilty also. I tend to go with what I like and its not always just one style. I love all your different rooms……
I have a touch of that too Sherry, you are not alone. I love your style, it is very warm too, which is inviting. I have always loved the name of your blog just for that reason, I am no minimalist either. Hope your trip was good, I am bit behind these days and wanted to say Hi.
We're kindred spirits for sure! My favorite is Country French, but I love a mix as well!
Your style is exactly what you love…for the moment! I think it is fabulous and you summed it up really well.
Hi lovely lady.
I love all your Beautiful photos sweet lady. I just put your Button on my Blog for your lovely give a way.
XXOO Diane
Hi Sherry ~ You seriously don't need any suggestions. You have melded the styles you love beautifully! That is what takes real talent and a real eye for design and you've got it girl!!
Hi Sherry,
I think your home decorating styles are superb! I wouldn't change a thing. You've chosen all those wonderful items for a reason – they reflect your decorating sense of style. Susie
Well whatever you call it…It is gorgeous Sherry! You have beautiful pieces and you know just what to do with them. I love the home you've created.
hugs from here…
Yes, I am…although I like to call it eclectic. Live with what you love!
Your post made me laugh because ..I LOVE everything too! Come visit my new blog and see for yourself!
Please…if you have that "affliction" then it is epidemic around blogland as far as I can tell….Which is a great thing because I love the fact that really anything goes now and people are mixing styles all over the place. It certainly keeps a home looking more interesting!
Oh my goodness, you made me laugh out loud! I love tha you decorate with what you love! At the end of the day, you life there, live with what you love, if that is English, Itlaian, French, Southern style than so be it. It think it is all great!
Thank you for visting my blog, and becoming my newest follower! I really appreciate it.
LOL! Glad I'm not the only one to decorate this way! If I see something I like I guess I don't stop to think sometimes if it will "go" with everything! Who cares? If we love it and it's our home then why not?
I love your home and your style is YOU, beautiful!
Oh I so hear you Sherry!! I have the same problem!! I am even finding myself loving things I would never have thought I would even LIKE! LOL!! I love your mix of styles – it is wonderful! Remember- Charles says it's all about the mix…not the match 🙂 Thanks for linking up! 🙂
Love it, Sherry! What a great way to descibe your beautiful eclectic style. I'm right there with you!
And BTW thanks so much for sharing the $4 chalk paint! Great tip!
And here I thought I was the only one with that style:). I think I'm going to try that chalk paint recipe on my dining room chairs. Thanks for sharing!
To me, your home is exquisite! I love ALL of the styles and think it makes it beautiful! I, too, love many styles but could never figure out how to mix them all. YOU have done just that and beautifully! XO, Pinky
I've seen something from the kitchen, it's the cabinet. Is the color natural, or you did something for it to look old and used? I'm so intrigues with it.