Cheap Trophies DIY

I love the look of the vintage loving cup trophies.  Most of the old ones are silver plate and can be quite expensive.  Here is my solution.
I found some newer trophies at thrift stores.  Most are cheap metal and I was able to buy them for a few dollars each.  One was a bowler’s trophy and I had to dismantle it and take the six bowlers off the top!
The small trophy in the front is silver plate. The one on left was brass plated and the last one is some type of cheap metal
Here is the secret:
You can find Kryon Looking Glass paint at Hobby Lobby and a number of sites on-line.  I have painted over
painted over brass plated and silver colored trophies and they have all done well.  The secret with this
paint is very light sprays because it drips bad.
The trophy below in the middle I experimented with adding a little watered down black paint to disquise the
new look.
I used Looking Glass on all of these except the small one.  The different metals give different results.
One day I will find a vintage and engraved loving cup in silver plate for a reasonable price.  In the mean time I am quite happy with my faux vintage trophies.
Now,  if you want to see a truly beautiful collection of vintage trophies head over to Marcy’s blog
  Antique Chase.
Don’t forget about the Open House party. Links will be up on Wednesday evening.  Hope to see you there

52 thoughts on “Cheap Trophies DIY”

  1. Sherry, you amaze me with your look alikes on the cheap. I love trophies, too and they are so expensive. I saw a beautiful one at Scott's antiques last weekend, but it was $150. No way! Thanks for sharing these at WUW.

  2. Sherry of all the blogs I read…and it's A LOT you consistently come up with the coolest projects! Things I would LOVE to do! I currently have my spackling paste all ready to take down the ugly gold color on one of my candlestick lamps….Wish me luck! *winks* Vanna

  3. I've always wanted to start a trophy collection but they are so darn expensive! I'll be on the look out for some cheap trophies to try this on. Thanks for sharing the idea. I enjoy your blog! Jodie at the nest eclectic

  4. Sherry, This just might be my favorite post this year! I had no idea about the Looking Glass paint. It could change so many of my projects. Just wonderful. I have old brass chandy and I am going to try the paint on it. A million thanks for this BEST tip!

    YOur trophies look like the real deal. I love how you have them displayed.
    xo Yvonne

  5. I'd never know the truth if you didn't share your secret, they look so real. Paint can work wonders…thanks for the tip on this great stuff.

  6. Awesome! However, I haven't even been able to find some cheap ones. I'm going to sharpen my looking skills. I really want some of these! Thanks for the post!

  7. Thanks for visiting Linderhof — your trophies look wonderful — and someday you'll find that real silverplate one at the right price!

  8. Sherry, What a great idea! I'm looking for this tomorrow. Those vintage loving cups( I love them too),look fabulous. How on earth do you come up with these things?

  9. Hi Sherry,
    Thanks for the info. about the paint. I love the look it gave your trophies. I would never have guessed they were not old, vintage trophies!!

  10. Thanks for the tip. I found a silverplate trophy at Goodwill recently, but it's small and just a cup with no handles. But it's a start. 😉
    Thanks for sharing the idea. ~ Sarah

  11. What a fabulous idea Sherry! And I totally cracked up picturing you taking the bowlers off of one of the trophys! 🙂 I'm looking forward to your Open House party and just trying to get things freshened up in time.

  12. I love your trophies!!! Gosh I am having trouble finding even brass or bronze ones around here! Guess we didn't have alot of winners in our part of the country!!

    bee blessed

  13. You are amazing and a genius! WOW I am impressed…love vintage looking trophies too, they add such a authentic and old world feel to a room or vignette and you figured out a quick fix beautifully….fabulous!!

  14. I have wondered how well that paint worked, so I am so happy to see you using it! I love the look and will have to go get some, thanks Sherry!

  15. Love the frugal and awesome look, Sherry!! I wish I could find even the cheapies…. I must live in a hard pressed area for trophies. Everyone here must hold on to them and continuously stare at these reminders of their accomplishments! 🙂

  16. Top of the mornin to you Sherry..I have been lookin on EBay for some trophies and whats are beautys..girl you do the best dang things and here you are moving and all..Thanks my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  17. Wow, this is amazing Sherry. I wouldn't have known the difference from the pictures. I'll now be on the lookout for some cheapo cups to give this a try.

  18. Sherry, I too love this post. I passed up a beautiful trophey in Chicago a couple of years ago because I thought it was too expensive. I still regret it to this day. Just yesterday I ran across a small one very badly tarnished. I wasn't sure if it was real or not. Just cleaned it up and I think it is, but I love your idea of painting the inexpensive ones.


  19. I love the look of antique trophies but could never find one that I could afford. Now with your fabulous idea, I can even have a collection of them. Yours look absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing that idea.

  20. Hi Sherry…

    What a great idea, my friend! I have never thought about using a silver spray paint! Hmmm…this opens up an entire new world…for silver pretties! Thanks for sharing the tip…and I love how your tropheys turned out!

    Warmest wishes,

  21. What winners! Brilliant idea, can't wait to try it, as a tabletop propstylist and a big collector I have a ton of stuff I want to spray. My world is going to be very reflective very soon! thanks for the tip

  22. How did I miss this too? I was so upset over the tragedy in Japan last week that I really couldn't concentrate.
    This is a wonderful idea! I think I am going to try it!

  23. How did I miss this post? What a fantastic idea. I really want to get some of this paint! Somebody (Gosh I don't remember who) used it on convex glass and it was stunning!!!

    I just passed up a brass trophy because I thought "how will that work with my silver pieces?"…. if I only would have read this first!

    Woulda coulda shoulda!!!

  24. What an awesome project…making something great from something not quite so great! Thanks for sharing…I'm inspired, Sherry!

  25. Sherry, I saw someone on line had painted a lamp base w/ that paint a while back.. I have looked everywhere for it. We don't don't have a Hobby around here.. thanks for the online advice. I would have never thought to use it on cheap metal.. they look great!

  26. Sherry,

    How did I miss this post?!? Hobby Lobby! I forgot there is now one in Richmond! Yay! I've been searching everywhere for Looking Glass paint! Happy Dance! I love your faux trophies! They look like the real thing. When I ran The Oak, I sold a bunch of sterling ones to this man, and right before he left he said he was going to scrap them! The Horror! I wanted to throw my shoe at him so bad!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  27. What a great little piece of information Sherry. I'm standing in line wanting this look too but paying those $$$ for the "real thing" just isn't in the cards for me. A can of Krylon certainly is. Thanks a bunch for a great tip.

  28. Thanks for this wonderful idea. I hope I didn't throw out the dented cheap metal vase I had. I have so many things I will use this idea on. Thanks! Yours look incredible!

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