Hi, it’s Rhonda from Blue Creek Home. Some of you may have heard that I lost my blog over the weekend. Thankfully, I had started it at blogspot.com before I purchased the domain and changed it to .com. This allowed me to continue to access the blog at the blogspot address with all of the contents intact. The problem is that any links you guys have do not come to me now and most of my internal links are broken.
The man who bought my domain (fair and square, I might add) has set up house at my old blog address (bluecreekhome.com) For the first few days when you visited, you were redirected to GoDadddy. Today, he suddenly has six or seven posts – a new header – some talk about interior design and decorating, and google ads. Please if you go over, don’t click on anything. I don’t want this guy to make a cent from my friends!
Find me at bluecreekhome.blogspot.com for now and please change your link address to the new blogspot address if you have my button or follow me or saved me saved to favorites/bookmark.
This has taken the wind out of my sails. I am trying to decide if it’s time for a break so that I can focus 100% on little Mason and family. I will keep y’all updated.
A few of my best blog friends have offered to post this on their blog for me and I appreciate you guys. Anyone else, please feel free to copy this and post it for me -I want to keep this man from getting my traffic!
And, a word of warning to those who may own their domains – don’t let it expire!!! Domain squatters are waiting like vultures in the wings to buy it. One thing I WILL NOT DO is try to buy it back from him.
I sincerely appreciate each one of you,
Thanks for your help and I’ll see you tomorrow night at The Open House party.
Hey Sherry…I had no idea this could happen. I also had no idea the domains could expire. How awful…I can imagine how overwhelming it would be to have to start over. I think I'll stick with my blogspot.com address for a while now. I hope to make your party this week.
Thank you, Sherry! I had no idea! I refollowed Rhonda under her new address and I'll try and do a post about it, too, this week.
Sherry you are a pal! I know who to turn to in time of "blog assitance" lol. I will surely visit her at her new home and make her feel welcome!
I wondered what happened! Glad to know and will change mine now.
Thanks for the update,
Thank you for sharing this. What a shame. I'll look for her at the new address.
Thank you Sherry. I have had several e-mails because of your post. Every little bit helps.
Sherry this is the second one I have heard of this week. Bringing Pretty back went through the same thing last week. Scary stuff when you don' have good computer skills to begin with. I think I would freak out!!! I know I would freak out!!! So sorry it happened to your friend also,Kathysue
Thanks for posting this Sherry. Rhonda let me know last night about her terrible ordeal and I meant to give folks the heads-up. I'll try and put a little post up about it this week. I know she is simply devastated…as any of us would be.
oh my gosh,, the shady side of blogging,, thats so sad,, but please don't stop,, your blog is wonderful,
Thanks for psoting this…I have now posted it too. Rhonda had told me that she had a problem, but I had no idea that it was this bad.
Wow! I had no idea this could happen (naive I guess). Thanks for letting us know. I'll post her letter on my blog tonight.
That dirty rat bas***d!!
Pardon my French but people like that really get under my skin.
Thanks for the heads up, I love her blog!
This is exactly what happened to me last year. September 15th to be exact. That was when I began Back Porch Musings again, at Typepad. I changed to .blogspot at the old site and it still exists, but I do all my posting from typepad now. I had over around 1400 followers on the old site and lost it all. It has been a year of rebuilding but I am glad I made the move. It was quite a shock to wake up one morning and be unable to get into the old site. By the time I figured out what to do, I had the Porch moved and was rebuilding.
Thanks…I will get over there. That is so rotten. Does Go Daddy send you a warning before your renewal?
I'm so sorry to hear that happened, how awful. Thanks for the update! XO Liz
Hey Sherry…you won my giveaway! You can pick which Barbara Rosenzweig print you would like and we'll get it out right away. Let me know!
I have never heard of that, can it happen on any blog address??